Your notary

Dr. Peter Stelmaszczyk

Maître en Droit (Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne)

I am pleased to welcome you to my homepage. As Notary I advise and notarize in all areas of notarial activity, in particular in all areas of real estate law, corporate law, family law and inheritance law.

We have a great deal of technical expertise

Especially in the area of Family and inheritance law my team and I have a great deal of expertise, which is also utilized by our clients nationwide.

The same applies to the area of Company law. As a lawyer in a major international law firm for many years, my focus was on advising national and international clients in the areas of company and investment acquisitions (M&A), reorganizations and restructurings as well as general questions of stock corporation and limited liability company law. My work as a notary seamlessly follows on from this.

Of course, our core competencies also include, in particular, the Real estate law. This is not only characterized by its great economic importance and complexity, but also gives my team and me particular pleasure. As a notary, there is hardly anything better than being able to provide legal support to a young family buying their first home.

You as a person are at the center of our attention

And this brings me to a central point of my Philosophy As a notary: your concerns, worries and needs are just as important to me as sound legal expertise. Your individual needs are the focus of my work. My team and I listen to you, take your wishes and ideas on board and, as impartial advisors, implement them in a legally compliant notarial deed.

Due to my various professional stations abroad I offer Notarizations also in English, French and Spanish language to.

In addition to my work in the notary's office, I also work as a Author of numerous specialist publications and Consultant for training and further education. This means you benefit from a consistently high level of advice in all areas of notarial law.


President of the Council of Notariats of the European Union (CNUE)

Since 2022

Notary in Burscheid as successor to the notary Dr. Andreas Droste

2015 - 2021

Notary assessor and managing director of the Federal Chamber of Notaries in Brussels


Doctorate (Dr. iur.) at the University of Cologne on the topic of cash capital issues with simplified exclusion of subscription rights in the case of hostile takeovers

2008 - 2015

Lawyer at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Cologne (Corporate Law and M&A Practice Group)

2006 - 2008

Legal clerkship in Cologne and London (2nd state examination), research assistant at the law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Cologne and London

2002 - 2003

Studied law at the Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, graduating with a Maîtrise en Droit (Master of Laws)

2000 - 2005

Studied law at the Universities of Passau and Cologne (1st state examination)


Civilian service as a paramedic


Abitur in Meppen

Foreign languages

English, French, Spanish


See publications


Commentaries, manuals, collections of forms

  1. Schüppen/Schaub (eds.) Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Aktienrecht, 4th edition 2024, Section 26 (Preparation of the Annual General Meeting), Section 27 (Holding the Annual General Meeting, Section 28 (Follow-up of the Annual General Meeting (together with Uwe Bohnet)
  2. Equity financing by the shareholders, in: Eilers/Gleske/Hüther/Knapp (eds.), Handbuch Unternehmensfinanzierung - Gesellschaftsrecht, Steuerrecht, 3rd edition 2024 (together with Franz Aleth and Georg Roderburg)
  3. §§ Sections 179-221 AktG (amendments to the articles of association, capital procurement measures), in Henssler/Strohn (ed.), Gesellschaftsrecht, 6th edition 2024
  4. Beck'sche Online-Formulare Vertrag, Gesellschaftsrecht, since 52nd edition 2020 (currently 68th edition 2024), editing: formation, general meeting and capital measures at the stock corporation (100 forms with commentary)
  5. Beck'sche Online-Formulare Vertrag, Gesellschaftsrecht, since 52nd edition 2020 (currently 68th edition 2024), editing: Formation and capital measures at the GmbH (90 forms with commentary)
  6. Digitalization of corporate law, in: Schwerdtfeger/Wachter, 4th edition 2024 (forthcoming)
  7. § 31 Notarization by means of video communication, in: Heckschen, Herrler, Münch (eds.), Beck'sches Notar-Handbuch, 8th edition 2024, pp. 2854-2908
  8. §§ Sections 36-40 AktG, in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR on the German Stock Corporation Act (since 2020, as of April 1, 2024)
  9. § Section 2 (formation of a GmbH) and Sections 56, 56a (non-cash capital increase), in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung (since 1.10.2023, status: 1.4.2024)
  10. §§ Sections 320-332 UmwG (Cross-border demergers) in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Umwandlungsgesetz (since 1.3.2023, status: 1.4.2024)
  11. §§ Sections 333-345 UmwG (Cross-border changes of legal form), in: Widmann, Mayer (eds.), Commentary on Transformation Law, 2023 (status: 205th and 206th supplementary edition April/June 2023)
  12. Cross-border transformations, in: Wachter/Heckschen (eds.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 6th edition 2024, pp. 2033-2062
  13. The civil law partnership (GbR), in: Wachter/Heckschen (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 6th edition 2024, pp. 437-582
  14. The partnership company (PartG), in: Wachter/Heckschen (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 6th edition 2024 (together with Maximilian Wosgien), pp. 818-849
  15. The upgrade of European company law through the Digitalization Directive 2.0, in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 6th edition 2024 (together with Maximilian Wosgien), pp. 1580-1599
  16. § 2 (drafting the articles of association) and § 10 (amendments to the articles of association), in: Heckschen, Heidinger (ed.), Die GmbH in der Gestaltungs- und Beratungspraxis, 5th edition 2023 (together with Heribert Heckschen)
  17. §§ Sections 1-59 HGB, in: Koller, Kindler, Drüen, Huber (eds.), HGB Commentary, 10th edition 2023
  18. Digitalization of company law, in: Hauschild, Kallrath, Wachter (eds.), Notarial handbook on company and corporate law, 3rd edition 2022, pp. 1987-2026
  19. Formal requirements, in: Reithmann/Martiny (eds.), Internationales Vertragsrecht, 9th edition 2022, pp. 349-449
  20. The stock corporation: amendment of the articles of association, capital increase and capital reduction, in: Herrler (ed.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, 2nd edition 2022, pp. 1019-1119
  21. Cross-border transformations, in: Herrler (ed.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, 2nd edition 2021 (together with Matthias Potyka), pp. 1451-1713
  22. Digitalization of company law under the EU Company Law Package, in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 5th edition 2021, pp. 1550-1571
  23. Cross-border transformations under the new Transformation Directive, in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels-und Gesellschaftsrechts, 5th edition 2021, pp. 1998-2045
  24. The civil law partnership (GbR), in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 5th edition 2021, pp. 454-566
  25. The partnership company (PartG), in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 5th edition 2021, pp. 800-831
  26. § Section 123 UmwG, Cross-border demergers, in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Umwandlungsgesetz, since 2021 (as at: 31.10.2022)
  27. § Section 2, in: Michalski, Heidinger, Leible, Schmidt (eds.), Commentary on the German Limited Liability Companies Act, 4th edition 2023 (together with Jens Bormann)
  28. The civil law partnership (GbR), in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 4th edition 2018, pp. 442-557
  29. The partnership company (PartG), in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 4th edition 2018, pp. 798-826
  30. The stock corporation: amendment of the articles of association, capital increase and capital reduction, in: Herrler (ed.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, 1st edition 2017, pp. 967-1064
  31. Equity financing by the shareholders, in: Eilers/Rödding/Schmalenbach (eds.), Unternehmensfinanzierung - Gesellschaftsrecht, Steuerrecht, Rechnungslegung, 2nd edition 2014, pp. 87-173 (together with Franz Aleth and Georg Roderburg

Essays, contributions

  1. Notarial professional law: Legality of the maximum age limit of 60 years for notaries when appointed for the first time, comment on ECJ, judgment of 17.10.2024 - C-408/23, in: European Journal of Commercial Law (EuZW) 2025, pp. 34-39
  2. No recognition of a notarial online certification under Austrian law in Germany, comment on KG, decision of 17.7.2024 - 22 W 25/24, in: Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) 2024, pp. 1701-1708
  3. No violation of notarization against Russia sanction, comment on ECJ, judgment of 5.9.2024 - C-109/23, in: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 2024, pp. 3283-3287 (together with Larissa Oebel)
  4. Upgrading European Company Law - The Digitalization Directive 2.0, in: GmbHR - Zeitschrift für Gesellschaft-, Unternehmens- und Steuerrecht (GmbHR) 2024, p. R164 (together with Max Wosgien)
  5. Old and new problems of cash capital increases with simplified exclusion of subscription rights, in: Festschrift für Heribert Heckschen (2024)
  6. Current legislation in Europe - An overview from a notarial perspective, in: Notar 2024, pp. 132-139 (together with Maximilian Wosgien)
  7. The Digitalization Directive 2.0 - Public Preventive Control and Mutual Recognition in EU Company Law, EuZW 2023, pp. 550-558 (together with Maximilian Wosgien)
  8. Cross-border conversions under the UmRUG (Part 2), in: Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift DNotZ 2023, pp. 804-824
  9. Cross-border conversions under the UmRUG (Part 1), in: Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift DNotZ 2023, pp. 752-771
  10. GmbH digital 2.0 - Online proceedings in corporate law after the DiREG, in: GmbH-Rundschau (GmbHR) 2022, pp. 833-850 (together with Benedikt Strauß)
  11. The supplement to the regulation on the implementation of the Digitization Directive under the Federal Government's draft law on DiREG - an initial classification, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2022, pp. 1077-1088 (together with Benedikt Strauß)
  12. Requirements for applications for entry in the commercial register - comment on BGH, decision of 15.6.2021 - II ZB 25/17, in: Notar 2022, pp. 82-87
  13. The virtual general meeting under the COVID-19 Act before the start of the 2022 general meeting season, in: Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift DNotZ 2021, pp. 930-965
  14. The online formation of the GmbH after the DiRUG, in: GmbH-Rundschau (GmbHR) 2021, pp. 849-861 (together with Philipp Kienzle)
  15. Digitalization with a sense of proportion: The online formation of the GmbH is coming, in: European Journal of Business Law (EuZW) 2021, pp. 513-514
  16. The cross-border change of legal form of corporations under current and future law - Part 1, in: Notar 2021, pp. 107-125
  17. The cross-border change of legal form of corporations under current and future law - Part 2, in: Notar 2021, pp. 147-165
  18. Online incorporation and online procedure for register applications according to the draft law on the DiRUG, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2021, pp. 765-776 (together with Philipp Kienzle)
  19. Cross-border demergers de lege lata and de lege ferenda - Part 1: Applicable law, scope of application, procedure, Der Konzern (DK) 2021, pp. 1-19
  20. Cross-border demergers de lege lata and de lege ferenda - Part 2: Material stakeholder protection and register procedures, in: Der Konzern (DK) 2021, pp. 48-67
  21. Cross-border transformations in the transitional period until the transformation of the new Transformation Directive, in: Betriebs-Berater (BB) 2020, pp. 1734-1743 (together with Heribert Heckschen)
  22. Annual general meetings and shareholder resolutions in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, in: Der Konzern (DK) 2020, p. 221-239 (together with Julius Forschner)
  23. The new Transformation Directive - harmonized procedures for cross-border mergers, demergers and changes of legal form, in: GmbHR-Rundschau (GmbHR) 2020, pp. 61-76
  24. The substantive protection of stakeholders under the new Transformation Directive, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2019, pp. 2437-2448
  25. Conformity of directors' and officers' insurance with EU law when registering branches, in European Journal of Business Law (EuZW) 2019, pp. 819-826
  26. Publicar las condiciones generales de contratacíon en un registro estatal significa proteger al consumidor? en: El Notario del Siglo XXI, Revista del Colegio Notarial de Madrid, Julio/Agosto 2019, pp. 28-33 (together with Jens Bormann)
  27. Digitalization of company law under the EU Company Law Package, in: Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) 2019, pp. 601-612 (together with Jens Bormann)
  28. Notarization of a domestic merger abroad - At the same time discussion of KG, decision of 26.7.2018, in: Rheinische Notar-Zeitschrift (RNotZ) 2019, p. 177-192
  29. Cross-border demergers and changes of legal form under the EU Company Law Package, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2019, pp. 353-365 (together with Jens Bormann)
  30. Cross-border mergers under the EU Company Law Package, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2019, p. 300-312 (together with Jens Bormann)
  31. The role of the Civil Law Notary in a digitized European company law, in: Romanian Bulletin of Civil Law Notaries, February 2019, pp. 10-14 (together with Jens Bormann)
  32. The Next Level: Digitalization of European Company Law, in: European Journal of Business Law (EuZW) 2018, 1009 (together with Jens Bormann)
  33. Traffic protection through public registers in international comparison, in: Festschrift 25 Jahre Deutsches Notarinstitut, 2018, pp. 415-432 (together with Jens Bormann)
  34. Structures of corporate law in international comparison, in: Festschrift Ludwig Bittner, 2018, pp. 13-33 (together with Jens Bormann)
  35. Continental company law in the competition between legal systems, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2018, pp. 764-774 (together with Jens Bormann)
  36. Notarization of a GmbH formation abroad - At the same time discussion of KG, decision of 24.1.2018, in: Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht (GWR) 2018, pp. 103-107
  37. Cross-border change of legal form through isolated transfer of the registered office, in: European Journal of Business Law (EuZW) 2017, pp. 890-894
  38. Design of D&O insurance cover in M&A transactions, NZG 2011, pp. 241-248 (together with Burkhard Bastuck)

Editorials, book reviews, conference proceedings

  1. CNUE Presidency 2023 - Review and outlook, in: Notar 2024, 101
  2. Effects of the pandemic on the precautionary administration of justice by Europe's notaries, in: Schmoeckel (ed.), Herausforderung der Rechtsordnung durch die Pandemie, 2021, pp. 75-94 (together with Andreas Bernert)
  3. Hendrik Schindler and Petra Schaffner, Virtual decision-making in corporations and associations (C.H.BECK, Munich), in: Deutsche Notar- Zeitschrift (DNotZ), 2021, pp. 798-799
  4. Digitalization of Corporate Law, DAI-Skript, 19th Annual Conference on Corporate Law, 19-20 March 2021, pp. 106-213 (together with Jens Bormann)
  5. European Legal Development and the Notarial Profession, DAI-Skript Volume 1, 17th Annual Conference of the Notarial Profession, 2019, pp. 1-59 (together with Jens Bormann)


  1. Cash capital issue with simplified exclusion of subscription rights in hostile takeovers - A practice-oriented study on the use of the 10% capital increase in takeover situations, dissertation, Cologne 2013, Nomos, 521 pages

  1. Lecture on European Economic Law at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, WS 24/25, January 17/18 and 24/25, 2025
  2. Summer course on transformation law (together with Prof. Dr. Jan Lieder), Beck Academy Seminars, Munich, August 8-9, 2024
  3. Transformation law course (together with Prof. Dr. Jan Lieder), Beck Akademie seminars, online seminar, March 13-14, 2024
  4. Upgrading Digital Company Law - Implications of the new proposal in practice: the notarial perspective, Annual Conference on European Company Law and Corporate Governance 2024, Academy of European Law (ERA), Trier, 7 March 2024
  5. Opening Speech - Transfer of Powers to the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE), Vilnius, 11 January 2024
  6. Opening Speech - Artificial Intelligence, 12th edition of the CNUE Futurology Forum, Brussels, December 11, 2023
  7. Keynote Speech - 30th anniversary of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE), Brussels, 7 December 2023
  8. Opening Speech - Guarantees and trust in digital society, Conference of the Fondazione Italiana del Notariato and Notartel S.p.A. - S.B., Florence, November 17, 2023
  9. Keynote Speech - The European notariat's perspective on digitalisation of notarial authentication procedures, Institutional Meetings of the International Union of Notaries (UINL) in cooperation with the Colégio Notarial do Brasil - Conselho Federal, Brasilia, 9 November 2023
  10. Opening Speech - Artificial Intelligence and Notarial Practice, Conference on Artificial Intelligence on the occasion of the 30th Anniversay of the Estonian Chamber of Notaries, Tallinn, November 3, 2023
  11. Keynote Speech - Mobility and Legal Protection in the Digital Era, Conference of the Bucharest Chamber of Notaries, Bucharest, 27 October 2023
  12. Allocution de bienvenue - La casa non è solo abitare: il rovescio del diritto, 58ème Congrès national du Notariat italien, Rome, 26 octobre 2023
  13. Opening Speech - Strengthening the Protection of Adults in the EU, Conference at the European Parliament, co-organized by the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) and MEP Stelios Kympouropoulos, Brussels, 25 October 2023
  14. Opening Speech - Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the restoration of the free notarial profession in the Czech Republic upon invitation of the Chamber of Notaries of the Czech Republic, Prague, 5 October 2023
  15. Keynote Speech - Company Law and Digitalization, CNUE Conference on Company Law and Digitalization, Brussels, 21 September 2023
  16. Opening Speech - Artificial Intelligence and Notarial Practice, Conference on Artificial Intelligence on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Council of Sworn Notaries of Latvia, Riga, September 8, 2023
  17. Notarial online procedures in corporate law - GmbH formations, register applications and shareholder resolutions by means of video notarization, AH Akademie Heidelberg, online seminar on corporate law, August 30, 2023
  18. Opening speech on the occasion of the General Assembly of the Council of Notariats of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Riga, June 30, 2023
  19. Judicial training: the right skills to embrace the digitalization of justice, Brussels, 26 April 2023
  20. The new draft directive of the EU Commission on digital company law - Digitization Directive 2.0, 33rd European Notaries' Days, Salzburg, 20-21 April 2023
  21. Opening Speech - CNUE Conference on the MAPE Succession project regarding the evaluation of the application of the EU Succession Regulation (EU) No. 650/2012, Brussels, 23 March 2023
  22. Opening speech at the ceremony to mark the 15th anniversary of the European Notarial Network (ENN), Brussels, March 9, 2023
  23. Inaugural speech on the occasion of the ceremony for the assumption of the German Presidency of the Council of Notariats of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Berlin, January 20, 2023
  24. Inaugural speech on the occasion of the election of the President of the Council of Notaries of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Brussels, December 9, 2022
  25. Inaugural speech on the occasion of the ceremony for the assumption of the German Presidency of the Council of Notariats of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Berlin, 20.
  26. Inaugural speech on the occasion of the election of the President of the Council of Notaries of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Brussels, December 9, 2022
  27. The formation of the GmbH becomes digital - Formations and register applications online, Symposium "Aktuelles Gesellschaftsrecht", Friedrich Schiller University Jena, May 6, 2022
  28. The Transposition of the Digital Tools Directive in Germany, La transposición de la directiva de digitalización y el otorgamiento de documentos notariales a distancia, Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE, Madrid, October 28, 2021
  29. The online foundation of the GmbH, Workshop, University of Bayreuth, July 19, 2021
  30. Impact of the pandemic on the precautionary administration of justice by European notaries, Conference "Challenges to the legal system posed by the pandemic", University of Bonn, July 15, 2021
  31. GmbH digital - online formation and online registrations after the DiRUG, lecture evening at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, July 13, 2021
  32. Competences of UINL member Notariats in the area of company law, General Council of the International Union of Notaries (U.I.N.L.), Rome, July 2, 2021
  33. The online formation of the GmbH, 20th Symposium "Corporate Law in Transition", German Notarial Association, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, June 25, 2021
  34. Digitalization of corporate law, 19th Annual Conference on Corporate Law, DAI, Bochum, 19 March 2021
  35. Distance notarizations, lecture for the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) and the Ukrainian Chamber of Notaries, February 24, 2021
  36. The prototype of the Federal Chamber of Notaries for the online formation of a GmbH, workshop "Online formation of a limited liability company (GmbH)" at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, January 21, 2021
  37. The Online Formation of Limited Liability Companies in Germany, Presentation for the European Commission, Brussels, July 27, 2020
  38. La Digitalisation et le notariat - l'expérience allemande, "L'Apostille, les nouvelles technologies et le notariat", lecture for the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) and the Tunisian Chamber of Notaries, 10 June 2020
  39. La création en ligne des sociétés à responsabilité limitée (S.à r.l.) en Allemagne, Digitalization et droit des sociétés, Atelier de haut niveau à l'occasion de la passation de pouvoirs au Président du Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (C.N.U.E.), Athens, 14 January 2020
  40. Founding a GmbH in Germany, presentation on the occasion of the World Bank's visit to Berlin and Munich, January 8/9, 2020
  41. The EU Company Law Package as reflected in the competition between company law systems, Conference, "Competition between company law systems", Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, December 11, 2019
  42. The Online Formation of Limited Liability Companies in Germany, lecture before the Notary Chamber of the Czech Republic, Prague, December 6, 2019
  43. The Online Formation of Limited Liability Companies in Germany, lecture before the Croatian Chamber of Notaries, Zagreb, December 4, 2019
  44. Transposition of the Digital Tools Directive in Germany, Presentation at the European Commission, Brussels, November 11, 2019
  45. Implementation of the EU Company Law Package, Workshop, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, November 21, 2019
  46. Online Formation of German Limited Liability Companies, 6th CNUE Futurology Forum, Brussels, November 13, 2019
  47. European legal development and the notary's office - On the digitalization of company law according to the EU Company Law Package, 17th DAI Annual Conference of the Notary's Office, Berlin, 12/13 September 2019
  48. The online foundation of the GmbH according to the EU Digitization Directive, lecture series, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, 3 July 2019
  49. Notaries in digitalized corporate law, "Corporate law in the digital age", conference of the Institute for the Law of Digitalization, Philipps University Marburg, 7 June 2019
  50. The Digitalisation Proposal, a critical perspective - Digital incorporation and digital access to documents: what are the possible problems for practitioners and notaries, Annual Conference on European Company Law and Corporate Governance 2018, Academy of European Law, Trier, 18/19 October 2018
  51. Droit international privé allemand, Lecture on private international law (IPR) as part of the German-French advanced training seminar in notarial law at the Centre juridique franco-allemand, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, April 14, 2018
  52. Current developments in European company law, specialist meeting of notaries of the Cologne Higher Regional Court district, January 31, 2018
  53. Current developments in European company law, specialist meeting of notaries of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court district, January 24, 2018
  54. Droit international privé allemand, Lecture on private international law (IPR) as part of the German-French advanced training seminar in notarial law at the Centre juridique franco-allemand, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, April 29, 2017

Curriculum vitae


President of the Council of Notariats of the European Union (CNUE)

Since 2022

Notary in Burscheid as successor to the notary Dr. Andreas Droste

2015 - 2021

Notary assessor and managing director of the Federal Chamber of Notaries in Brussels


Doctorate (Dr. iur.) at the University of Cologne on the topic of cash capital issues with simplified exclusion of subscription rights in the case of hostile takeovers

2008 - 2015

Lawyer at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Cologne (Corporate Law and M&A Practice Group)

2006 - 2008

Legal clerkship in Cologne and London (2nd state examination), research assistant at the law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Cologne and London

2002 - 2003

Studied law at the Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, graduating with a Maîtrise en Droit (Master of Laws)

2000 - 2005

Studied law at the Universities of Passau and Cologne (1st state examination)


Civilian service as a paramedic


Abitur in Meppen

Foreign languages

English, French, Spanish


See publications



Commentaries, manuals, collections of forms

  1. Schüppen/Schaub (eds.) Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Aktienrecht, 4th edition 2024, Section 26 (Preparation of the Annual General Meeting), Section 27 (Holding the Annual General Meeting, Section 28 (Follow-up of the Annual General Meeting (together with Uwe Bohnet)
  2. Equity financing by the shareholders, in: Eilers/Gleske/Hüther/Knapp (eds.), Handbuch Unternehmensfinanzierung - Gesellschaftsrecht, Steuerrecht, 3rd edition 2024 (together with Franz Aleth and Georg Roderburg)
  3. §§ Sections 179-221 AktG (amendments to the articles of association, capital procurement measures), in Henssler/Strohn (ed.), Gesellschaftsrecht, 6th edition 2024
  4. Beck'sche Online-Formulare Vertrag, Gesellschaftsrecht, since 52nd edition 2020 (currently 68th edition 2024), editing: formation, general meeting and capital measures at the stock corporation (100 forms with commentary)
  5. Beck'sche Online-Formulare Vertrag, Gesellschaftsrecht, since 52nd edition 2020 (currently 68th edition 2024), editing: Formation and capital measures at the GmbH (90 forms with commentary)
  6. Digitalization of corporate law, in: Schwerdtfeger/Wachter, 4th edition 2024 (forthcoming)
  7. § 31 Notarization by means of video communication, in: Heckschen, Herrler, Münch (eds.), Beck'sches Notar-Handbuch, 8th edition 2024, pp. 2854-2908
  8. §§ Sections 36-40 AktG, in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR on the German Stock Corporation Act (since 2020, as of April 1, 2024)
  9. § Section 2 (formation of a GmbH) and Sections 56, 56a (non-cash capital increase), in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung (since 1.10.2023, status: 1.4.2024)
  10. §§ Sections 320-332 UmwG (Cross-border demergers) in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Umwandlungsgesetz (since 1.3.2023, status: 1.4.2024)
  11. §§ Sections 333-345 UmwG (Cross-border changes of legal form), in: Widmann, Mayer (eds.), Commentary on Transformation Law, 2023 (status: 205th and 206th supplementary edition April/June 2023)
  12. Cross-border transformations, in: Wachter/Heckschen (eds.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 6th edition 2024, pp. 2033-2062
  13. The civil law partnership (GbR), in: Wachter/Heckschen (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 6th edition 2024, pp. 437-582
  14. The partnership company (PartG), in: Wachter/Heckschen (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 6th edition 2024 (together with Maximilian Wosgien), pp. 818-849
  15. The upgrade of European company law through the Digitalization Directive 2.0, in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 6th edition 2024 (together with Maximilian Wosgien), pp. 1580-1599
  16. § 2 (drafting the articles of association) and § 10 (amendments to the articles of association), in: Heckschen, Heidinger (ed.), Die GmbH in der Gestaltungs- und Beratungspraxis, 5th edition 2023 (together with Heribert Heckschen)
  17. §§ Sections 1-59 HGB, in: Koller, Kindler, Drüen, Huber (eds.), HGB Commentary, 10th edition 2023
  18. Digitalization of company law, in: Hauschild, Kallrath, Wachter (eds.), Notarial handbook on company and corporate law, 3rd edition 2022, pp. 1987-2026
  19. Formal requirements, in: Reithmann/Martiny (eds.), Internationales Vertragsrecht, 9th edition 2022, pp. 349-449
  20. The stock corporation: amendment of the articles of association, capital increase and capital reduction, in: Herrler (ed.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, 2nd edition 2022, pp. 1019-1119
  21. Cross-border transformations, in: Herrler (ed.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, 2nd edition 2021 (together with Matthias Potyka), pp. 1451-1713
  22. Digitalization of company law under the EU Company Law Package, in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 5th edition 2021, pp. 1550-1571
  23. Cross-border transformations under the new Transformation Directive, in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels-und Gesellschaftsrechts, 5th edition 2021, pp. 1998-2045
  24. The civil law partnership (GbR), in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 5th edition 2021, pp. 454-566
  25. The partnership company (PartG), in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 5th edition 2021, pp. 800-831
  26. § Section 123 UmwG, Cross-border demergers, in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Umwandlungsgesetz, since 2021 (as at: 31.10.2022)
  27. § Section 2, in: Michalski, Heidinger, Leible, Schmidt (eds.), Commentary on the German Limited Liability Companies Act, 4th edition 2023 (together with Jens Bormann)
  28. The civil law partnership (GbR), in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 4th edition 2018, pp. 442-557
  29. The partnership company (PartG), in: Wachter (ed.), Praxis des Handels- und Gesellschaftsrechts, 4th edition 2018, pp. 798-826
  30. The stock corporation: amendment of the articles of association, capital increase and capital reduction, in: Herrler (ed.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, 1st edition 2017, pp. 967-1064
  31. Equity financing by the shareholders, in: Eilers/Rödding/Schmalenbach (eds.), Unternehmensfinanzierung - Gesellschaftsrecht, Steuerrecht, Rechnungslegung, 2nd edition 2014, pp. 87-173 (together with Franz Aleth and Georg Roderburg

Essays, contributions

  1. Notarial professional law: Legality of the maximum age limit of 60 years for notaries when appointed for the first time, comment on ECJ, judgment of 17.10.2024 - C-408/23, in: European Journal of Commercial Law (EuZW) 2025, pp. 34-39
  2. No recognition of a notarial online certification under Austrian law in Germany, comment on KG, decision of 17.7.2024 - 22 W 25/24, in: Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) 2024, pp. 1701-1708
  3. No violation of notarization against Russia sanction, comment on ECJ, judgment of 5.9.2024 - C-109/23, in: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 2024, pp. 3283-3287 (together with Larissa Oebel)
  4. Upgrading European Company Law - The Digitalization Directive 2.0, in: GmbHR - Zeitschrift für Gesellschaft-, Unternehmens- und Steuerrecht (GmbHR) 2024, p. R164 (together with Max Wosgien)
  5. Old and new problems of cash capital increases with simplified exclusion of subscription rights, in: Festschrift für Heribert Heckschen (2024)
  6. Current legislation in Europe - An overview from a notarial perspective, in: Notar 2024, pp. 132-139 (together with Maximilian Wosgien)
  7. The Digitalization Directive 2.0 - Public Preventive Control and Mutual Recognition in EU Company Law, EuZW 2023, pp. 550-558 (together with Maximilian Wosgien)
  8. Cross-border conversions under the UmRUG (Part 2), in: Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift DNotZ 2023, pp. 804-824
  9. Cross-border conversions under the UmRUG (Part 1), in: Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift DNotZ 2023, pp. 752-771
  10. GmbH digital 2.0 - Online proceedings in corporate law after the DiREG, in: GmbH-Rundschau (GmbHR) 2022, pp. 833-850 (together with Benedikt Strauß)
  11. The supplement to the regulation on the implementation of the Digitization Directive under the Federal Government's draft law on DiREG - an initial classification, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2022, pp. 1077-1088 (together with Benedikt Strauß)
  12. Requirements for applications for entry in the commercial register - comment on BGH, decision of 15.6.2021 - II ZB 25/17, in: Notar 2022, pp. 82-87
  13. The virtual general meeting under the COVID-19 Act before the start of the 2022 general meeting season, in: Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift DNotZ 2021, pp. 930-965
  14. The online formation of the GmbH after the DiRUG, in: GmbH-Rundschau (GmbHR) 2021, pp. 849-861 (together with Philipp Kienzle)
  15. Digitalization with a sense of proportion: The online formation of the GmbH is coming, in: European Journal of Business Law (EuZW) 2021, pp. 513-514
  16. The cross-border change of legal form of corporations under current and future law - Part 1, in: Notar 2021, pp. 107-125
  17. The cross-border change of legal form of corporations under current and future law - Part 2, in: Notar 2021, pp. 147-165
  18. Online incorporation and online procedure for register applications according to the draft law on the DiRUG, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2021, pp. 765-776 (together with Philipp Kienzle)
  19. Cross-border demergers de lege lata and de lege ferenda - Part 1: Applicable law, scope of application, procedure, Der Konzern (DK) 2021, pp. 1-19
  20. Cross-border demergers de lege lata and de lege ferenda - Part 2: Material stakeholder protection and register procedures, in: Der Konzern (DK) 2021, pp. 48-67
  21. Cross-border transformations in the transitional period until the transformation of the new Transformation Directive, in: Betriebs-Berater (BB) 2020, pp. 1734-1743 (together with Heribert Heckschen)
  22. Annual general meetings and shareholder resolutions in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, in: Der Konzern (DK) 2020, p. 221-239 (together with Julius Forschner)
  23. The new Transformation Directive - harmonized procedures for cross-border mergers, demergers and changes of legal form, in: GmbHR-Rundschau (GmbHR) 2020, pp. 61-76
  24. The substantive protection of stakeholders under the new Transformation Directive, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2019, pp. 2437-2448
  25. Conformity of directors' and officers' insurance with EU law when registering branches, in European Journal of Business Law (EuZW) 2019, pp. 819-826
  26. Publicar las condiciones generales de contratacíon en un registro estatal significa proteger al consumidor? en: El Notario del Siglo XXI, Revista del Colegio Notarial de Madrid, Julio/Agosto 2019, pp. 28-33 (together with Jens Bormann)
  27. Digitalization of company law under the EU Company Law Package, in: Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) 2019, pp. 601-612 (together with Jens Bormann)
  28. Notarization of a domestic merger abroad - At the same time discussion of KG, decision of 26.7.2018, in: Rheinische Notar-Zeitschrift (RNotZ) 2019, p. 177-192
  29. Cross-border demergers and changes of legal form under the EU Company Law Package, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2019, pp. 353-365 (together with Jens Bormann)
  30. Cross-border mergers under the EU Company Law Package, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2019, p. 300-312 (together with Jens Bormann)
  31. The role of the Civil Law Notary in a digitized European company law, in: Romanian Bulletin of Civil Law Notaries, February 2019, pp. 10-14 (together with Jens Bormann)
  32. The Next Level: Digitalization of European Company Law, in: European Journal of Business Law (EuZW) 2018, 1009 (together with Jens Bormann)
  33. Traffic protection through public registers in international comparison, in: Festschrift 25 Jahre Deutsches Notarinstitut, 2018, pp. 415-432 (together with Jens Bormann)
  34. Structures of corporate law in international comparison, in: Festschrift Ludwig Bittner, 2018, pp. 13-33 (together with Jens Bormann)
  35. Continental company law in the competition between legal systems, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2018, pp. 764-774 (together with Jens Bormann)
  36. Notarization of a GmbH formation abroad - At the same time discussion of KG, decision of 24.1.2018, in: Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht (GWR) 2018, pp. 103-107
  37. Cross-border change of legal form through isolated transfer of the registered office, in: European Journal of Business Law (EuZW) 2017, pp. 890-894
  38. Design of D&O insurance cover in M&A transactions, NZG 2011, pp. 241-248 (together with Burkhard Bastuck)

Editorials, book reviews, conference proceedings

  1. CNUE Presidency 2023 - Review and outlook, in: Notar 2024, 101
  2. Effects of the pandemic on the precautionary administration of justice by Europe's notaries, in: Schmoeckel (ed.), Herausforderung der Rechtsordnung durch die Pandemie, 2021, pp. 75-94 (together with Andreas Bernert)
  3. Hendrik Schindler and Petra Schaffner, Virtual decision-making in corporations and associations (C.H.BECK, Munich), in: Deutsche Notar- Zeitschrift (DNotZ), 2021, pp. 798-799
  4. Digitalization of Corporate Law, DAI-Skript, 19th Annual Conference on Corporate Law, 19-20 March 2021, pp. 106-213 (together with Jens Bormann)
  5. European Legal Development and the Notarial Profession, DAI-Skript Volume 1, 17th Annual Conference of the Notarial Profession, 2019, pp. 1-59 (together with Jens Bormann)


  1. Cash capital issue with simplified exclusion of subscription rights in hostile takeovers - A practice-oriented study on the use of the 10% capital increase in takeover situations, dissertation, Cologne 2013, Nomos, 521 pages


  1. Lecture on European Economic Law at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, WS 24/25, January 17/18 and 24/25, 2025
  2. Summer course on transformation law (together with Prof. Dr. Jan Lieder), Beck Academy Seminars, Munich, August 8-9, 2024
  3. Transformation law course (together with Prof. Dr. Jan Lieder), Beck Akademie seminars, online seminar, March 13-14, 2024
  4. Upgrading Digital Company Law - Implications of the new proposal in practice: the notarial perspective, Annual Conference on European Company Law and Corporate Governance 2024, Academy of European Law (ERA), Trier, 7 March 2024
  5. Opening Speech - Transfer of Powers to the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE), Vilnius, 11 January 2024
  6. Opening Speech - Artificial Intelligence, 12th edition of the CNUE Futurology Forum, Brussels, December 11, 2023
  7. Keynote Speech - 30th anniversary of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE), Brussels, 7 December 2023
  8. Opening Speech - Guarantees and trust in digital society, Conference of the Fondazione Italiana del Notariato and Notartel S.p.A. - S.B., Florence, November 17, 2023
  9. Keynote Speech - The European notariat's perspective on digitalisation of notarial authentication procedures, Institutional Meetings of the International Union of Notaries (UINL) in cooperation with the Colégio Notarial do Brasil - Conselho Federal, Brasilia, 9 November 2023
  10. Opening Speech - Artificial Intelligence and Notarial Practice, Conference on Artificial Intelligence on the occasion of the 30th Anniversay of the Estonian Chamber of Notaries, Tallinn, November 3, 2023
  11. Keynote Speech - Mobility and Legal Protection in the Digital Era, Conference of the Bucharest Chamber of Notaries, Bucharest, 27 October 2023
  12. Allocution de bienvenue - La casa non è solo abitare: il rovescio del diritto, 58ème Congrès national du Notariat italien, Rome, 26 octobre 2023
  13. Opening Speech - Strengthening the Protection of Adults in the EU, Conference at the European Parliament, co-organized by the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) and MEP Stelios Kympouropoulos, Brussels, 25 October 2023
  14. Opening Speech - Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the restoration of the free notarial profession in the Czech Republic upon invitation of the Chamber of Notaries of the Czech Republic, Prague, 5 October 2023
  15. Keynote Speech - Company Law and Digitalization, CNUE Conference on Company Law and Digitalization, Brussels, 21 September 2023
  16. Opening Speech - Artificial Intelligence and Notarial Practice, Conference on Artificial Intelligence on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Council of Sworn Notaries of Latvia, Riga, September 8, 2023
  17. Notarial online procedures in corporate law - GmbH formations, register applications and shareholder resolutions by means of video notarization, AH Akademie Heidelberg, online seminar on corporate law, August 30, 2023
  18. Opening speech on the occasion of the General Assembly of the Council of Notariats of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Riga, June 30, 2023
  19. Judicial training: the right skills to embrace the digitalization of justice, Brussels, 26 April 2023
  20. The new draft directive of the EU Commission on digital company law - Digitization Directive 2.0, 33rd European Notaries' Days, Salzburg, 20-21 April 2023
  21. Opening Speech - CNUE Conference on the MAPE Succession project regarding the evaluation of the application of the EU Succession Regulation (EU) No. 650/2012, Brussels, 23 March 2023
  22. Opening speech at the ceremony to mark the 15th anniversary of the European Notarial Network (ENN), Brussels, March 9, 2023
  23. Inaugural speech on the occasion of the ceremony for the assumption of the German Presidency of the Council of Notariats of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Berlin, January 20, 2023
  24. Inaugural speech on the occasion of the election of the President of the Council of Notaries of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Brussels, December 9, 2022
  25. Inaugural speech on the occasion of the ceremony for the assumption of the German Presidency of the Council of Notariats of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Berlin, 20.
  26. Inaugural speech on the occasion of the election of the President of the Council of Notaries of the European Union - Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (CNUE), Brussels, December 9, 2022
  27. The formation of the GmbH becomes digital - Formations and register applications online, Symposium "Aktuelles Gesellschaftsrecht", Friedrich Schiller University Jena, May 6, 2022
  28. The Transposition of the Digital Tools Directive in Germany, La transposición de la directiva de digitalización y el otorgamiento de documentos notariales a distancia, Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE, Madrid, October 28, 2021
  29. The online foundation of the GmbH, Workshop, University of Bayreuth, July 19, 2021
  30. Impact of the pandemic on the precautionary administration of justice by European notaries, Conference "Challenges to the legal system posed by the pandemic", University of Bonn, July 15, 2021
  31. GmbH digital - online formation and online registrations after the DiRUG, lecture evening at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, July 13, 2021
  32. Competences of UINL member Notariats in the area of company law, General Council of the International Union of Notaries (U.I.N.L.), Rome, July 2, 2021
  33. The online formation of the GmbH, 20th Symposium "Corporate Law in Transition", German Notarial Association, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, June 25, 2021
  34. Digitalization of corporate law, 19th Annual Conference on Corporate Law, DAI, Bochum, 19 March 2021
  35. Distance notarizations, lecture for the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) and the Ukrainian Chamber of Notaries, February 24, 2021
  36. The prototype of the Federal Chamber of Notaries for the online formation of a GmbH, workshop "Online formation of a limited liability company (GmbH)" at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, January 21, 2021
  37. The Online Formation of Limited Liability Companies in Germany, Presentation for the European Commission, Brussels, July 27, 2020
  38. La Digitalisation et le notariat - l'expérience allemande, "L'Apostille, les nouvelles technologies et le notariat", lecture for the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) and the Tunisian Chamber of Notaries, 10 June 2020
  39. La création en ligne des sociétés à responsabilité limitée (S.à r.l.) en Allemagne, Digitalization et droit des sociétés, Atelier de haut niveau à l'occasion de la passation de pouvoirs au Président du Conseil des Notariats de l'Union Européenne (C.N.U.E.), Athens, 14 January 2020
  40. Founding a GmbH in Germany, presentation on the occasion of the World Bank's visit to Berlin and Munich, January 8/9, 2020
  41. The EU Company Law Package as reflected in the competition between company law systems, Conference, "Competition between company law systems", Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, December 11, 2019
  42. The Online Formation of Limited Liability Companies in Germany, lecture before the Notary Chamber of the Czech Republic, Prague, December 6, 2019
  43. The Online Formation of Limited Liability Companies in Germany, lecture before the Croatian Chamber of Notaries, Zagreb, December 4, 2019
  44. Transposition of the Digital Tools Directive in Germany, Presentation at the European Commission, Brussels, November 11, 2019
  45. Implementation of the EU Company Law Package, Workshop, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, November 21, 2019
  46. Online Formation of German Limited Liability Companies, 6th CNUE Futurology Forum, Brussels, November 13, 2019
  47. European legal development and the notary's office - On the digitalization of company law according to the EU Company Law Package, 17th DAI Annual Conference of the Notary's Office, Berlin, 12/13 September 2019
  48. The online foundation of the GmbH according to the EU Digitization Directive, lecture series, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, 3 July 2019
  49. Notaries in digitalized corporate law, "Corporate law in the digital age", conference of the Institute for the Law of Digitalization, Philipps University Marburg, 7 June 2019
  50. The Digitalisation Proposal, a critical perspective - Digital incorporation and digital access to documents: what are the possible problems for practitioners and notaries, Annual Conference on European Company Law and Corporate Governance 2018, Academy of European Law, Trier, 18/19 October 2018
  51. Droit international privé allemand, Lecture on private international law (IPR) as part of the German-French advanced training seminar in notarial law at the Centre juridique franco-allemand, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, April 14, 2018
  52. Current developments in European company law, specialist meeting of notaries of the Cologne Higher Regional Court district, January 31, 2018
  53. Current developments in European company law, specialist meeting of notaries of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court district, January 24, 2018
  54. Droit international privé allemand, Lecture on private international law (IPR) as part of the German-French advanced training seminar in notarial law at the Centre juridique franco-allemand, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, April 29, 2017